faq technical support

A Treasure Hunt - FAQ technical support FAQ technical support

FAQ technical support

This FAQ Technical support is exclusively dedicated to technical issues. It covers the most frequently asked questions and the most frequent problems encountered. If you don’t find the answer to your question here, do not hesitate to contact us by filling in the online form or by sending an email to gregory[at]a-treasure-hunt.com

If your question relates to the games themselves, please consult our FAQ games page.

Which software do I need?

To download the booklets contained in your treasure hunt kit the following settings are required:

  • An up-to-date « unzipper » (7zip, Winzip, Winrar…)
  • A software which allows reading PDF files (Adobe Reader, Nitro PDF, PDF-XChange…)
Why not emailing the files directly?

Simply because their size is too big to be accepted by standard mail servers.

How do I download my treasure hunt kit?

After having placed your order and once the payment has been approved (the approval is immediate with PayPal or Credit Card), you will receive an email providing you with the download link for your kit. This link is also available under the heading My Account (at the top of the page).

I didn't receive the email with the download link!

The email containing the download link is usually sent out a few minutes after the payment validation (if you have paid with PayPal or by credit card). If you can’t find it in your inbox, it is likely that it has been classified as a spam… So, have a look at your spam folder, where emails considered as junk are quarantined.

I have trouble downloading the files!

Check your Internet connection first: it must be reliable to allow you to download several hundreds of MBs.
Additionally, some proxies or servers can have limited download capacities; it is often the case with company servers.

I can’t unzip the files!

There are two possible reasons for this:

  • The download went wrong (your internet connexion was interrupted for example) and the files are damaged. In such case, try to download the files again (you may do so up to 30 times).
  • Your software is not up-to-date or corrupted. We advise you to download 7Zip (click on the link and select the appropriate file). This software is free of charge, reliable, secure and complies with the latest standards.
I can’t read the files!

The vast majority of the computers (PC or Mac) are natively equipped with a PDF reader. If this is not the case however, you can download a viewer for free, such as Adobe Reader.

Some pages are missing in the booklets!

The download probably went wrong (your internet connexion was interrupted for example) and the files are damaged. In such case, try to download the files again (you may do so up to 30 times).

A Treasure Hunt - Upcoming games

Upcoming games

A Treasure Hunt - The last Dinosaur eggDinosaur Adventure

A Treasure Hunt - Double Agent MissionSpy and Secret Agent

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You can also discover our novelty on the french website: une-chasse-au-tresor.fr

A Treasure Hunt - The game of the moment

The game of the moment

A Treasure Hunt - Pirate and MermaidNiels Wooden-Leg was the most cunning and the greediest pirate of the Caribbean. Legend spoke that he even succeeded in stealing the treasures of Blackbeard and Rackham the Red. But no one could ever find where he has hidden his mountains of gold coins, jewels and precious stones. Up till today? Maybe…

Let your young pirates and mermaids discover the fabulous treasure of Niels Wooden-Leg!

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