treasure hunt

how does it work
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A Treasure Hunt – Download games for kids
A Treasure Hunt – Download games for kids
The games…
All our treasure hunts have been developed for both boys and girls so that each of your guests fully enjoys the story and dresses according his/her preference.
Each theme has also been adapted to the age of the children: graphic design, vocabulary, riddles and challenges, duration of the game… Each hunt is available in 3 age groups:
- 4-5 years : children are not yet capable of reading
- 6-7 years : children are starting to read
- 8-10 years : children are reading properly
All the treasure hunts available on our website can be held in- or outdoor and have been tested “under field conditions” during birthday parties.
You want to invest yourself in the party without having to start from scratch?
You want to keep your child and his/her friends occupied during an afternoon without noticing that time is passing by?
You enjoy watching your son or daughter embarking on a great adventure, full of imagination?
Don’t wait any longer. Get started and let our treasure hunt party kits guide you!
and us!
We are a french family. Mum and dad of a knight, a pirate and a little fairy, it is important to us that each of their birthday parties turns into a magical moment. We truly enjoy organising a unique treasure hunt for our children and their friends and see their eyes light up a whole afternoon long, switching from one riddle to another.
It is our special gift, just for them.
We came up with the idea to present our treasure hunts to parents who have remained a child at heart but who do not have enough time available to create everything by themselves.
We hope you will have as much pleasure in immersing yourself in the stories as we had in conceiving them!
download and print games for kids
treasure hunt – scavenger hunt – investigation game – paper chase
an easy-to-organise treasure hunt, which will turn your child’s birthday party into an unforgettable moment!
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information, concept, principle…
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